The goal of this blog is to implement my favorite cellular automata (CA) of all time; Conway’s game of life. This CA model has a special place in my heart because it inspired me to pursue my current masters topic. In fact, this was my first ever CA model I ever coded (on bus home from uni). The algorithm is a lattice model that has only four different rules, but can generate endless patterns given appropriate initial grid positioning.
Cellular Automata
CA simulations are a collection of cells arranged in a grid of specified shape, such that each cell changes state as a function of time, according to a defined set of rules driven by the states of neighboring cells.
Typical characteristics of a CA are the following:
The cells in a CA reside on a grid which has a specified shape (square, triangle, hexagon, etc.) and exist in a finite number of dimen- sions.
Each cell on the grid has a state. While there are numerous finite possibilities of the state, the simplest state form is usually On or Off (or True/False or 1/0).
The cells adjacent to one cell constitute its neighborhood. Cells in a neighborhood affect each other, and each cell on the CA grid has a neighborhood.
Based on predetermine rules complex dynamical behavior arises from these CA models that can be used to describe many natural phenomena. For example, one of the most famous CA is Conway’s Game of Life which has only four deterministic rules but can create very intriguing patterns that we will explore in this blog.
CA models are capable of modelling many biological behavior from microbial growth to cancer research. In particular, applied mathematicians use these models to better understand the growth of biological cells and couple these with experimental data to predict biological behavior. These models also have numerous applications in other fields of research such as ecology, physics, chemistry, and other sciences.
The 4 Rules of the Game of Life
The four simple rules Conway (Shiffman, Fry, and Marsh 2012) initially discovered are given below
Death. If a cell is alive (state = 1) it will die (state becomes 0) under the following circumstances.
Overpopulation: If the cells has four of more neighbors, it dies.
Loneliness: If the cell has one or fewer alive neighbors, it dies.
Birth. If a cell is dead (state = 0) it will come to life (state becomes 1) if it has exactly three alive neighbor (no more, no less)
Stasis. In all other cases, the cells state does not change. To be thorough, let’s describe those scenarios.
Staying Alive: If a cell is alive and has exactly two or three live neighbors, it stays alive.
Staying Dead: If a cell is dead and has anythign other than three alive neighbours, it stays dead.
Matlab Implementation
We will now code the Game of Life in Matlab. We begin by initializing the board randomly using 0 or 1 using Matlab 2D array. Then we ran the simulation \(N\) times. At each iteration we implement the algorithm described above.
% This Matlab script implements Conways Game of Life.
% Kai Li
% 08/01/2023
clear; % clear workspace
close all; % close all figures
rows = 50; % number of rows of board
cols = 50; % number of columns of board
% intialise board
board = round(rand(rows,cols));
% initialise next step of rules
next = zeros(rows,cols);
% number of simulations
N = 100;
% black and white color map
cmap = [1 1 1; 0 0 0];
% create gif
gif('game-of-life.gif', 'DelayTime', 0.1)
for z = 1:N % loop over N simulations
for x = 2:rows-1 % iterate overs rows
for y = 2:cols-1 % iterate over columns
neighbours = 0; % initialise neighbour count
% count number of neighbours
for i = -1:1
for j = -1:1
neighbours = neighbours + board(x+i,y+j);
% remove current board position from count
neighbours = neighbours - board(x,y);
% implement the 4 rules of Conways game of life rules
if board(x,y) == 1 && neighbours < 2 % death by loneliness
next(x-1,y-1) = 0;
elseif board(x,y) == 1 && neighbours > 3 % death by overpopulation
next(x-1,y-1) = 0;
elseif board(x,y) == 0 && neighbours == 3 % birth
next(x-1,y-1) = 1;
else % else remain the same
next(x-1,y-1) = board(x,y);
board = next; % update board
board = padarray(board,[1 1]); % deal with edge case
% visualise board
[r1, c1] = size(board);
imagesc((1:c1)+0.5, (1:r1)+0.5, board);
title("Iteration = " + z)
axis equal
box on
set(gca,'XTick',[], 'YTick', [])
% capture gif
Below is the initial condition of the grid populated randomly (left) and after \(N=100\) iterations of the algorithm we get the final state (right).
Here is an animation of the output.
There are countless pattern that arises from this algorithm (Izhikevich, Conway, and Seth 2015) which I find fascinating. See the Wikipedia page for more details.
Coding train: